Hands-on Manual Therapy Techniques
Did you know that you can learn to perform many manual techniques at home? Let me show you how.
These “hands on methods” are applied to the affected areas of your body to eliminate pain, relax muscles that are tight or in spasm, restore active range of motion, improve flexibility and restore your function. These include: joint and soft tissue mobilization, myofascial release, neural mobilization, scar mobilizations, edema management, mobilizations with movement, muscle energy, to name a few.
All appropriate self manual therapy techniques will be taught during telehealth sessions.
Postural and Body Mechanics
Ergonomics Instruction
Core Stabilization Stretching/Flexibility
Range of Motion:
• Active Exercises
• Passive Exercises
• Active Assisted Exercises
Coordination & Balance Training, Fall Prevention
Gait and Running Mechanics
Neuromuscular Re-Education
Therapeutic Exercises/Activities
Kinetic Activities
Home & Gym Exercise Programs
Individualized programs to help you maintain your gains once your graduate from physical therapy treatments. We combine strengthen and conditioning creatively using many different methods included Pilates. Pilates has been shown to improve core stability, increase flexibility and athletic performance and active range of motion. We incorporate Pilates as an effective part of a patient’s rehabilitation program, as well as to maintain total body wellness. Individual sessions are also available. Call office to inquire.
*individual and group classes available - Call office for more information.
adjunct therapies
Mechanical Traction techniques, home electrical stimulation, heat and cryotherapy are shown to be clinically effective in pain management, increase blood flow and decrease inflammation, as well as to warm tissues prior to exercise and/or manual therapy. You can provide these treatments to yourself at home, I will show you how. This will keep money in your pocket and increase the tools you have for self care options. Providing patients with the most effective evidence based treatment means that you get the most out of your session when we meet. I won’t waste your time and money in session on those adjunct therapies you can provide yourself on your own time.
Kinesio Tape
Kinesio tape is a versatile modality that can be applied to the body by a physical therapist to facilitate proper muscle and movement patterns, affect circulation and lymphatic drainage, and improve posture and performance during activities of daily living and sports participaton. I will show you how to apply tape yourself.